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How to add or mirror a new region




The current primary region is us-west-2 and the new desired region is us-east-2

Additional region​

  1. Create root stacks of the new region e.g. ue2*.yaml

  2. Update VPC CIDR documentation

  3. Create minimal components in the yaml such as vpc, transit-gateway, and perhaps compliance (or others) if applicable

  4. Deploy minimal components

  5. Optionally deploy dns-delegated if a new Hosted Zone is required per region

  6. This is no longer used going forward as we can use a single Hosted Zone for <stage> and create multi domain records within it such as postgres-example.ue2 without having to create a ue2.<stage> HZ.

  7. Optionally deploy transit-gateway-cross-region component to peer both regions

  1. Optionally deploy new github runners (if applicable)

  2. Retrieve the new github runner IAM role arn

  3. Update iam-primary-roles to include the new IAM role and deploy it to update identity-cicd role

  4. Optionally deploy new spacelift-worker-pool (if applicable)

  5. Set a worker pool id map in the spacelift component

  6. Set a worker_pool_name global variable in the new region

  7. Update iam-primary-roles to include the new IAM role and deploy it to update identity-ops role

If new region needs to be a mirror of the primary region​

  1. Same steps as above, except instead of minimal components, we want to copy and paste all of the primary region into the new desired region. We will not reprovision anything from gbl*.

  2. Mirror the SSM parameters by exporting them from the primary region and importing them into the new region

# get services
services=$(AWS_PROFILE=$NAMESPACE-gbl-$stage-admin AWS_REGION=$CURRENT_REGION aws ssm describe-parameters --query 'Parameters[].Name' | grep / | cut -d'/' -f2 | sort | uniq | tr '\n' ' ')
# export
AWS_PROFILE=$NAMESPACE-gbl-$stage-admin AWS_REGION=$CURRENT_REGION chamber export -o chamber-$stage.json $services
# import
for service in $services; do
AWS_PROFILE=$NAMESPACE-gbl-$stage-admin AWS_REGION=$NEW_REGION chamber import $service chamber-$stage.json;
  1. Ensure all hostnames use the correct regional endpoints (either by Hosted Zone or by record)

  2. Optionally, it’s not recommended, but if the tfstate bucket needs to be migrated

  3. Make sure everything in Spacelift is confirmed/discarded/failed so nothing is left in an unconfirmed state.

  4. Schedule a date with the customer so no applies go through

  5. Set desired count on the spacelift worker pool to 0 with a max and min count of 0

  6. Manually copy from old tfstate bucket to new tfstate bucket

  7. PR to change all the files over to the new bucket and set new bucket in the global vars

  8. Check locally to see that new bucket is used and stacks show no changes

  9. Merge PR

  10. revert spacelift worker pool

  11. Ensure everything is working in Spacelift

If an old region needs to be destroyed​

The following can be destroyed in Spacelift using a run task with terraform destroy -auto-approve

The following should be destroyed locally with Taskfile